Our lawn fertilization service is offered in and around Bremerton, Bellevue, and Bainbridge Island, WA.
You can choose between our Basic and Premium lawn fertilization programs!
Fertilizers provide vital nutrients that help your grass become healthier, grow greener, and develop stronger roots. Take the hassle out of fertilizing your lawn yourself with our professional lawn fertilization service at Sunrise Pest & Turf Management! We offer Basic and Premium lawn fertilization programs, so you can choose which one suits your lawn best. These programs run from spring to fall and include weed control treatments so our crew can strengthen your turf while tackling competitive weeds! Our team also uses fertilizer treatments that are pet-safe once dry! Our lawn fertilization service is offered to homeowners in Bremerton, WA, and nearby communities, including Bellevue, Bainbridge Island, and Seattle.
Our Basic Lawn Fertilization Program

Our Basic lawn fertilization program will provide your grass with vital resources to grow strong and healthy during the growing season. From March to November, we will visit your property 4 times to administer lawn fertilizer and weed control treatments. Here is an outline of our Basic lawn fertilization program schedule:
- March to April: The initial visit to your property will include the first fertilizer treatment and pre-emergent weed control to jumpstart your lawn's growth and protect it from stubborn weeds.
- April to May: Our second visit involves another round of fertilizer. Your lawn will also receive a weed control treatment to keep weeds from taking over.
- September to October: In the fall, your lawn will be treated with fertilizer and weed control treatments to continue maintaining its tip-top health. This fertilizer treatment will also help your grass recover from the summer season!
- October to November: The last visit for our Basic lawn fertilization program involves a winterizer and fertilizer application to ensure your grass can survive winter.
Our Premium Lawn Fertilization Program
Our Premium lawn fertilization program is a higher tier plan that will give your lawn everything from the Basic program, plus more. It includes a total of five visits throughout the year, as it includes an additional round of granular fertilizer and broadleaf weed control treatments. The granular fertilizer treatment is weather-dependent, which means we will use it if the weather permits it. This will provide an additional boost of nutrients for your grass and another layer of defense against pesky weeds!
The lawn fertilizer treatments we use are safe for your pets once dry.
If you have pets at home, you can rest assured that they are kept safe during our lawn fertilization treatments! That's because the treatment we use to nourish your lawn is pet-safe once it's dry. We recommend waiting 24 to 48 hours before letting your furry friends out on your lawn again to ensure everything has dried off, but after that, they can resume their normal activities.
Call us today to enroll in our lawn fertilization service!
If you want your grass to grow lush and green during the growing season, you've come to the right place. Our team at Sunrise Pest & Turf Management offers our top-quality lawn fertilization service to residential property owners in Bremerton, Bellevue, Bainbridge Island, Seattle, WA, and neighboring areas. You can be confident that we have the skills, knowledge, and experience to get your lawn to its best health, as we have been providing this service since 1978! Give us a call today at (888) 376-9109 to enroll in our lawn fertilization service.