Weed Control Service | Bremerton, Bellevue & Bainbridge Island, WA | Sunrise Pest & Turf Management

Weed Control Service in & Around Bremerton, Bellevue & Bainbridge Island, WA

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Need pest or lawn services? Get Started Now!

Weed Control Service in Bremerton, WA & Nearby Areas Like Bellevue & Bainbridge Island

Our team uses pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments to keep weeds off your lawn.

Weeds are unwanted plants that must be prevented from growing on your lawn and eliminated as soon as they emerge. Here at Sunrise Pest & Turf Management, we will help keep your lawn free from weeds with our top-quality weed control service. You can choose between our Basic and Premium lawn care programs, which include both pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments, as well as lawn fertilization applications from spring to fall. We offer two programs so you can choose which one will best suit the needs of your grass. Our weed control treatments target weeds like dandelions, clover, thistle, and more. Our weed control service is offered to residential properties in Bremerton, Bellevue, Bainbridge Island, Seattle, and nearby communities in Washington. Call us at (888) 376-9109 to sign up!

Our Basic Weed Control Program Schedule

Dandelions on a lawn in Bremerton, WA, being sprayed.

Our Basic lawn care program involves four visits to your property from March to November for weed control and lawn fertilization treatments. This schedule ensures your lawn has a lasting defense against invasive weeds during the growing season while receiving a consistent stream of nutrients! Below is an outline of the treatment schedule we follow for our Basic lawn care program:

  • Round 1: Our team's first visit to your property is between March and April and involves a pre-emergent weed control treatment to prevent weeds from emerging on your lawn. Your turf will also receive a fertilizer treatment to help it start the new season on the right foot.
  • Round 2: The next visit is between April and May for a round of post-emergent weed control to get rid of any existing weeds on your lawn. Another fertilizer treatment will be administered to help your grass prepare for the summer.
  • Round 3: Our third round of treatments is scheduled between September and October for a post-emergent weed control application. Your lawn will be treated with fertilizer again to aid in its summer recovery!
  • Round 4: The last visit for our Basic program is from October to November for winterizer and fertilizer treatments.

Our Premium Weed Control Program Schedule

When you work with our team, you have the option to choose among our lawn care program options to best suit your lawn's needs. We offer our Premium lawn care program, which includes all the treatments in our Basic program but with extra granular fertilizer and broadleaf weed control applications! When you opt for this program, we will visit your property five times from March to November to administer all the lawn care treatments and monitor your turf's health.

What weeds do our weed control treatments target?

The weed control treatments that we use are highly effective in targeting various pesky weeds. More importantly, they work to prevent and get rid of the common weeds in our area, like dandelions, clover, thistle, chickweed, and bittercress. This way, you can rest assured that your lawn will receive protection from the weeds that are most problematic in the Bremerton, WA, area!

Our weed control treatments are pet-safe once dry!

Call our professionals today to enroll in our weed control service!

Here at Sunrise Pest & Turf Management, we offer our professional weed control service to residential properties in Bremerton, Bellevue, Bainbridge Island, Seattle, WA, and neighboring areas. This service will provide your lawn with a reliable defense against invasive weeds that would otherwise steal its nutrients. Enroll in our weed control service today by calling us at (888) 376-9109!

Call (888) 376-9109