Get rid of cockroaches with Sunrise Pest’s expert services. Explore proven treatments & prevention for reliable pest control solutions in WA.

Spiders in Western Washington: Identification, Prevention, and Treatment

  • Post author:
  • Post published:October 27, 2021
  • Post category:blog

Anyone who has lived in Washington knows Spiders are frequent visitors of our homes, offices, and gardens. They are a type of Arachnid, meaning they use 8 legs to move around. Spiders can also spin strands of silk in order to create webs, allowing them to take cover in out of reach areas. These silk threads enable Spiders to fly along the breeze like tiny, creepy Mary Poppins.

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Read more about the article Odorous House Ants: Identification, Treatment, and Prevention
Black ants are following each other in a chain on a white wall on a diagonal image

Odorous House Ants: Identification, Treatment, and Prevention

  • Post author:
  • Post published:August 31, 2021
  • Post category:blog

Odorous House Ants, known by their common nickname “Sugar Ants,” are a frequent and annoying pest here in the Pacific Northwest. While generally harmless, they are a challenge to eradicate. They move quickly, have large colonies, and feed on a wide variety of foods. These are some of the most common invaders here in Western Washington, so it is important that we get to know them!

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Cockroaches in Washington

  • Post author:
  • Post published:July 6, 2021
  • Post category:blog

Cockroaches have gained quite the reputation (did you know they are one of the most commonly feared insects on Earth?). They’re known for their resilience against the elements, and as a pest that is difficult to get rid of. This, in part, is true. But much of their stubbornness depends on whether their environment will support them. By using tried and true treatment methods, it is possible to tackle even the worst infestations.

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